All of Sunshine Bouquet’s offerings are designed in-house by our talented designers, each of whom add their own unique personality to designs that align with current lifestyle and consumer trends. The design department works closely with our specialty arrangement lines in Colombia to ensure we consistently deliver skillfully constructed, high-quality product. Take a look below at the various foam, vase and drop-in options.
Vase designs are created with placement and construction in mind. With focus on different levels and composition. They are created within vessels that hold water for flower hydration.
Foam designs are created within containers to provide structure and shape. Foam is a product that absorbs water for flower hydration. Typically used in low or unique shapes to provide stability and form to the flowers.
Foam designs are created within containers to provide structure and shape. Foam is a product that absorbs water for flower hydration. Typically used in low or unique shapes to provide stability and form to the flowers.